Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Case History # 119 - Ogden Residence

Project:  Private Residence, Ogden, UT

Date:  July 2010

This was a small, 150 square foot deck with walls on all sides.  The only available opening lead to stairs to the back yard.  No drainage was added when the deck was originally installed and it didn't take long for the deck coating to fail.  Everything down to the joists needed to be replaced.

Duradek Solution:
Frustrated by this expensive failure, the homeowner set out to find a product with good details that would ensure his deck would not leak again.  Upon hearing about Duradek Ultra Tiledek's 10 year warranty, the decision was made to install Tiledek.  The deck was repaired and a floor drain was added.  Tiledek was installed and ready for tile.

Job Notes:
The homeowner was extremely please that a product installed so quickly, and efficiently would be expected to last so long.

Applicating Contractor:
MBL Construction, LLC
Shane Linge

Job Contact:
Matt McClure

Case History #118 - Vancouver Residence

Project: Private Residence, Vancouver, BC

Date: April 2010

This deck was originally done by an 'old-time' tile installer who used traditional interior installation methods.  The area needing to be covered was also much larger then he was used to.  To deal with the exterior waterproofing, the installer used Ditra Mat as his waterproofing membrane.  He sealed these together using Kerdi Cloth and thinset.  It didn't take long for this waterproofing process to fail and for the homeowner to contact Duradek...

Duradek Solution:
Duradek Ultra Tiledek was the perfect solution for this failed job.  The entire substrate had to be pulled up as all details were done as though it was an indoor job.  Duradek's proven details and installation technique gave the homeowner peace of mind and confidence that his deck would not leak again.  This high-end home now had an outdoor space worthy of entertaining its many visitors.

Applicating Contractor:
Hillside Projects Ltd.
Slav Skender

Job Contact:
Kevin MacMillan
Duradek Canada